Patient Resources
• Please check into Hilo Medical Center’s screening counter two (2) hours prior to your surgery time and they will direct you to the registration desk.
• DO NOT EAT or DRINK anything after midnight the night prior to surgery
• If you are on blood thinners or diabetic medications, please contact the East Hawaii Health Orthopedic clinic at 932-3730 for specific instructions
• If you take any additional medications besides the above, it is okay to take with a sip of water the morning of surgery
• Be sure to bring your picture ID and current medical insurance card.
• Do not bring jewelry or valuables with you.
• You must have a driver to drop you off and pick you up after the procedure.

• Use the Outpatient Parking pass provided to you by the clinic by placing it on the dashboard. Short stay surgery parking is located next to the handicap parking.
• Notify East Hawaii Health Orthopedics office if you develop any sign of illness, such as fever, chills, congestion, etc.
• Surgical times are approximate. Many factors such as emergencies or the complexity of preceding cases can delay your start time.
• Failure to follow these instructions may result in your procedure being canceled.
Please the office at 932-3730, if you have any questions or concerns.
Discharge Instructions
Appointment: If an appointment has not been scheduled already, please call East Hawaii Health Orthopedics at (808) 932-3730 for an appointment. You need to be seen and examined within 10-14 days from the date of surgery.
Please call immediately or go to the emergency room if you have an increase in pain, worsening symptoms or onset of new symptoms, fevers, chills, wound drainage or tenderness or worsening discomfort at the surgery site, trouble urinating or any other problems.
Wound Care: Please keep the dressing you received in the operating room on until you see your surgeon in clinic. Do not get the dressings wet.
Call (808)932-3730 to come in for a dressing change, if dressing is soiled, dirty or fall apart.
Showering: Please do not shower until you are told that it is OK to do so in follow up at clinic.
Driving: Please do not drive while on narcotic pain medications.
Swimming: No swimming, until 4-6 weeks after surgery.
Pre-operative Pain Medications: Please continue taking all of your medications unless you are instructed otherwise.
Post-operative Pain Medications: You will be prescribed a narcotic pain medication for pain control. Please take it as directed.
Elevate: Please keep operative extremity elevated above your heart level.
Ice: Please ice operative site as needed. Make sure that the ice is secured in a closed plastic bag and use two bags for safety. Do not get dressings wet. If given a cryocuff, please use for 1-2 weeks after surgery as needed to help with pain and swelling. We recommend cold therapy at least 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes.
General Hand Discharge Instructions
Appointment: If an appointment has not been scheduled already, please call Dr. Sakamoto’s office at (808) 932-3730 for an appointment. You need to be seen and examined 2 weeks from the date of surgery, unless otherwise directed.
Please call the office immediately or go to the emergency room if you have severe pain, numbness, fever, chills, redness, bleeding or drainage at the surgical site or if your fingers become cold or blue.
Wound Care: Please keep the dressing you received in the operating room clean, dry and intact until you see Dr. Sakamoto in clinic. Do not get the dressings wet.
*Call Dr. Sakamoto’s office if you have concerns about the dressing
Post-operative Pain Medications: Pain can be managed with Tylenol or Ibuprofen. If you have been prescribed narcotic medications, follow the dosage instructions provided by the pharmacy. Do not take more than prescribed. Do not drive or drink alcohol if taking narcotic medications.
Activity: No lifting or carrying with surgical hand unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Sakamoto.
Elevate: Please keep operative extremity elevated above your heart level.
Post-operative exercises: Perform the following exercises below as tolerated. Use the non-operative hand to assist the operative hand. Finger stretching will decrease swelling and improve function.
Casting and Splint care
Casting and splinting are used to protect and support the bone during the healing process following a fracture injury. They are often applied as a primary treatment of fractures as well as applied after surgery and requires proper care in order for it to be effective. Here you will find information on how to care for your cast or splint:
Cast and splint materials are made of fiberglass or plaster material. A padding material is used under the casting material to add a layer of protection to the skin. The splint or cast needs to be fitted carefully and correctly in order to provide the best support while the fracture heals. Therefore, cast care is a crucial part of ensuring the fracture heals well. Please click on the link to find instructions on how to care for your cast or splint https://orthoinfo.org/en/recovery/care-of-casts-and-splints/